The planning for the 2020 Poker Run has been challenging with the current conditions and four of our committee members having major medical issues.
This is our NUMBER ONE fundraiser for AmTrykes and two other events have been canceled leaving us with a huge problem.
We need your help to fund AmTryke’s for the long list of kids who need one!
- Mariana has spina bifida – riding the AmTryke helps strengthen her legs while she has fun and gets exercise.
- Aaron has balance problems – he can’t ride a regular bike, but with an AmTryke he can ride with his friends
- Jocelyn has made great improvements with her current AmTryke, but has outgrown it and needs a larger one.
- Max and Ramiro need AmPlease Trykes for their cerbral palsy. The additional leg muscles gained from riding will help them learn to walk.
Many on the list are Veterans, injured protecting our country, needing the bikes to help with their recovery.
Celebrate at American Eagle Harley Davidson on October 31st 12 – 4 pm
Please help make their dreams a reality!
Music, food, beverages and a special AmTryke presentation. Sponsored and hosted by American Eagle Harley Davidson, 5920 S. I-35 East in Corinth, TX
You can find the GoFundMe Link here:
In 2018 we had the pleasure of meeting up with DW JoJo with Knees in the Breeze. She decided to feature us! Check this out at the following links:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DN1Py_93kw&sns=em
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOIF8n5y89Q&sns=em